Creativity. Spirituality. Independence. Collaboration.

A Welcome Message from our Executive Headteacher

I’d like to wish you a warm welcome to Evolve Church Academy Trust and to our four wonderful schools. As a trust of small, rural church schools, we pride ourselves upon the strong, values based experience that we provide for all of our children.

Our mission is to enable all in our schools to achieve the best that they can by working together. We embrace differences and the wide range of strengths and passions that our children have. Through our curriculum, we aim to nurture and enable these passions to blossom.

It is our long term goal to simply create a trust that provides an excellent education for our children. Our school teams value the togetherness that we encourage and through working together, as a community of children, parents and teaching professionals we believe we provide the very best platform to achieve this.

Our purpose is to discover and enable to the full, the talents, skills, spirituality, and personalities of all children within a safe, happy, nurturing environment of a caring Christian community.


Develop, within children, the knowledge and skills required to access their own spirituality and inner peace reflecting Christian values within their daily lives.


Create successful, independent, and lifelong creative learners who enjoy learning, make excellent progress and achieve to the best of their ability, adapting to the potential demands of our rapidly evolving society.


Build confident happy individuals, who are healthy, purposeful and enjoy meeting challenges while being humble of their own gifts and skills and generous in spirit to others.


For our children to be responsible citizens of the world and their own country who care for their environment, their community, their families, their school and make a positive contribution to society, respecting the diversity within the world and their community.

Togetherness with humility and compassion:

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. 

(Philippians 2:1-4)

Our 4 schools, in their daily endeavours, work with a sense of togetherness. Both in the sense of a team within each school and the sense of a team across all of our schools. Working as a team, considering the needs and best outcomes of others, is the way that we work to achieve the best that we can for all of our children. Our logo represents children in a group, working together.

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